Log Student Contact in TeacherVUE

Please note that this is for current and future contacts. You are not expected to retroactively input contacts into "Student Contact Log". If you have a separate log that you have maintained outside of Synergy, please fill out a tech ticket and the Tech Team will work on getting those into Synergy.


When to log a contact in “Student Contact Log”

Contacts should be logged in “Student Contact Log”  when there has been an attempt to contact any parent or student regarding lack of participation or failure to do assignments in your class.  At least one attempt to contact parents per week for students who are not participating or who are barely participating should be logged in the “Student Contact Log”.  

(Please note that the Student Contact Log is different than the Services Log that Special Education Teachers and Instructional Aides utilize for students who have IEPs)

Examples of what to enter into the “Student Contact Log”

Type of communication

Log Required

Whole class notification


Positive contact to student (ie ‘Good Work’)


Email to parent about student not participating


Email to student with 504 plan or IEP about additional help opportunities


Email to parents of a class about a class expectation


Text to parent about their child’s missing assignments


Response email to parent about a class concern


Online 1:1 meeting with a student regarding class questions


Online group meeting about a week’s assignments


Phone call/message to parent about student not checking in


As a general rule of thumb, if you are communicating directly with a student or parent and are not sure whether or not you should log it, log it.  If you feel that there should be a record of a conversation with a student or parent/guardian for any reason, log it.