Transfer Forms

INTER DISTRICT AGREEMENTS (between NHUHSD and another local district:
Out-of-District (InterDistrict) Agreements are for students who are currently residing outside of the school district that they would like to attend. Parent/Guardian: Complete applicable steps on page 1 and 2 shaded in gray and then submit it to your District of Residence (DOR).  If it is approved, it will be forwarded to the District of Proposed Enrollment (DPE).  
Only new requests submitted between December 1st and February 1st are assured of approval by the DOR, subject to reasonable enrollment activities. (See the DOR district office for exceptions and for information on reasonable enrollment activities). Those submitted after may be subject to a waitlist.If both districts approve, and you agree to any additional terms and conditions required by the district(s), you may enroll your student in the DPE.
IntraDistrict Agreements are for students residing in the Northern Humboldt High School District but are requesting attendance at one of our schools outside of their attendance boundaries. Once approved your student must enroll at their school of choice by August 1 or the Intra District will be considered void. IntraDistrict Agreements are good for the remainder of student's high school term and do not need to be renewed yearly.
Please note that transfers are approved based on program and school capacity and may be subject to a waitlist.  Priority will be given to siblings of students already enrolled in school of choice; currently attending a feeder school within the school of choice boundaries; parent/guardian works at school of choice; has already become established at school of choice but moves outside of attendance boundaries; or has been a victim of bullying, as determined through an investigation.
Forms for the next school year can start being submitted after December 1st and prior to February 1.  The District will determine capacity and give priority to students that apply by the deadline. Applications filed after February 1 will be considered for the waiting list on a case-by-case basis.  For applicants who relocated after February 1 deadline, they will be considered based on the same criteria as those who met the application deadline.
For more information, please see Board Policy - Administrative Regulation 5116.1. 
To complete and submit a INTRA DISTRICT form online, CLICK HERE or download and print attachment below.
You can email completed forms to [email protected] or fax them to 707-839-6457.  You can also mail them to:
Attn: T.PIres
2755 McKinleyville Avenue
McKinleyville, CA 95519